
4314 总记录数 5 今年的记录


cserenk, M;Keller, D;Kis, V;Fazekas, EA;lls, H;Lk, AH;Szab, R;Renner,;Usdin, TB;Palkovits, M;Dobolyi,;

母亲在哺乳和成人社会交往时,脑室旁下丘脑核(PVN)的神经元会释放催产素。然而,在社会环境中激活催产素神经元的神经元通路尚未建立。丘脑后层内复合体(PIL)的神经元包含结节漏斗肽39 (TIP39),并被哺乳期母亲的幼崽暴露激活,提供了一个候选投影。采用双标记结合电子显微镜和逆行束示法观察TIP39神经元对催产素神经元的支配。采用原位杂交组织化学方法研究TIP39神经元中潜在的经典神经递质。用c-Fos技术绘制了在熟悉的环境中遇到熟悉的同型雌性后被激活的神经元。PVN和视上核催产素神经元分别有平均2.0和0.4个TIP39终末。在TIP39末梢和催产素神经元的细胞体之间发现了不对称(假定兴奋性)突触。在泌乳大鼠中,PIL TIP39神经元从PVN逆行标记。TIP39神经元表达泡状谷氨酸转运蛋白2,而不表达谷氨酸脱羧酶67。 PIL contained a markedly increased number of c-Fos-positive neurons in response to social encounter with a familiar conspecific female. Furthermore, the PIL received ascending input from the spinal cord and the inferior colliculus. Thus, TIP39 neurons in the PIL may receive sensory input in response to social interactions and project to the PVN to innervate and excite oxytocin neurons, suggesting that the PIL-PVN projection contributes to the activation of oxytocin neurons in social contexts.
