
4216年 总记录数 177年 今年的记录


Jauro年代;Ndumnego OC, Ellis C;购买,,拜尔,W,刚刚,高压;

:Sterne住孢子疫苗(SLSV)是当前兽医炭疽疫苗的选择。与非生物炭疽疫苗(NLAV)原型,SLSV与并发抗生素使用不兼容的炭疽疫情的场景。NLAV候选人用于这项研究包括原油重组保护抗原(CrPA)和纯化重组保护抗原(PrPA)辅以formalin-inactivated孢子和Emulsigen-D / Alhydrogel佐剂。牛被接种两次(一周0和3)NLAVs加青霉素(Pen-G)治疗,而牛接种两次SLSV孤独和Pen-G治疗。免疫原性是评估使用ELISA对狙击枪和FIS,毒素中和试验(TNA)和opsonophagocytic化验。保护是评估使用体内被动免疫小鼠模型。NLAVs + Pen-G anti-rPA滴定度免疫球蛋白和SLSV没有Pen-G治疗有显著提高,而滴定度SLSV + Pen-G pre-vaccination值相比是微不足道的。类似的趋势为IgM测量,IgG1, IgG2 TNA滴定度(NT50)显示类似的趋势anti-rPA滴定度在所有疫苗组。anti-FIS IgG、IgM滴定度显著增加对于所有的疫苗接种组相比在周3和5周0。孢子opsonising容量显著增加NLAV接种组包括Pen-G治疗和SLSV没有Pen-G但更SLSV Pen-G治疗组。 Passive immunization of A/J mice challenged with a lethal dose of 34F2 spores indicated significant protective capacity of antibodies raised in the SLSV and the PrPA + FIS + adjuvants vaccinated and Pen-G treated groups but not for the NLAV with the CrPA + FIS + adjuvants and the SLSV vaccinated and Pen-G treated group. Our findings indicate that the PrPA + FIS + Emulsigen-D/Alhydrogel vaccine candidate may provide the same level of antibody responses and protective capacity as the SLSV. Advantageously, it can be used concurrently with Penicillin-G in an outbreak situation and as prophylactic treatment in feedlots and valuable breeding stocks.
