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Npas1 + -Nkx2。1+神经元形成一个独特的苍白体神经元亚类


在基底神经节回路中,GPe对运动控制至关重要。除了Foxp2+神经元和ChAT+神经元已经被确定为独特的神经元类型外,对于GPe神经元的分类还没有达成共识。其余神经元类型的特性定义很差。在这项研究中,我们利用新的小鼠系、病毒工具和分子标记来研究GPe神经元。通过检查多种模式,我们试图更好地定义GPe神经元亚型。我们发现Sox6代表了GPe神经元亚型的一个新的定义标记。缺乏Sox6表达的Lhx6+神经元缺乏parvalbumin和Npas1。这个结果证实了先前关于存在一个独特的Lhx6+种群的断言。来自Dbx1+谱系的神经元在GPe中同样丰富,并显示出异质性组成。追踪实验表明,Npas1+-Nkx2.1+神经元是主要的非胆碱能皮质投射神经元; they project profusely in the cortex and are part of a cortico-pallidal-cortical loop. Lastly, analysis of the spatial distribution and electrophysiological properties of a number of GPe neuron types further confirms the diversification of GPe subtypes. In summary, we provide improved descriptions of GPe neuron subtypes. By delineating different GPe neurons and their synaptic partners, our findings establish the circuit substrates that can be important for motor function and dysfunction. Our findings reconcile some of the discrepancies that arose from differences in techniques or the reliance on pre-existing tools.
