
4314 总记录数 5 今年的记录

瞬时受体电位香草酸5 (TRPV5),大鼠脑中的高Ca(2+)选择性TRP通道:与神经内分泌调节相关


近期研究表明,瞬时受体电位香草酸离子通道在神经和神经内分泌调节中具有重要作用。TRPV亚家族由六个成员组成:TRPV1-6。虽然TRPV1-4的神经解剖学和功能相关性已被广泛研究,但关于TRPV5和TRPV6的相关信息有限,这两种生物对Ca(2+)具有高度选择性。我们检测了大鼠嗅球、皮层、下丘脑、海马、中脑、脑干和小脑中TRPV5 mRNA的表达。在下丘脑室旁核(PVN)、视上核(SON)、副神经分泌核(ANS)、视上核、交叉后核(SOR)、弓状核(ARC)和内侧结节核、海马、中脑、脑干和小脑均可见trpv5免疫反应神经元。胶质细胞也表现出trpv5免疫反应性。为了测试TRPV5的神经内分泌相关性,我们将加压素、催产素和可卡因和安非他明调控转录本(CART)作为TRPV5可能共存的代表性候选标记。在下丘脑神经元中,TRPV5与抗利尿激素共表达(PVN: 50.733.82%;儿子:75.912.34%;答:49.124.28%; SOR: 100%) and oxytocin (PVN: 6.881.21; SON: 63.345.69%; ANS: 20.44.14; SOR: 86.51.74%). While ARC neurones express oestrogen receptors, 17-oestradiol regulates TRPV5, as well as CART neurones and astrocytes, in the ARC. Furthermore, ARC CART neurones are known to project to the preoptic area, and innervate and regulate GnRH neurones. Using double-immunofluorescence, glial fibrillary acidic protein-labelled astrocytes and the majority of CART neurones in the ARC showed TRPV5-immunoreactivity. Following iontophoresis of retrograde neuronal tracer, cholera toxin (CtB) into the anteroventral periventricular nucleus and median preoptic nucleus, retrograde accumulation of CtB was observed in most TRPV5-equipped ARC CART neurones. Next, we determined the response of TRPV5-elements in the ARC during the oestrous cycle. Compared to pro-oestrus, a significant increase (P<.001) in the percentage of TRPV5-expressing CART neurones was observed during oestrus, metoestrus, and dioestrus. TRPV5-immunoreactivity in the astrocytes, however, showed a significant increase during metoestrus and dioestrus. We suggest that the TRPV5 ion channel may serve as an important regulator of neural and neuroendocrine pathways in the brain.
