
4216 总记录数目 177 今年的记录



下丘脑的进化保守性证明了它在控制基本行为方面的关键作用。然而,我们对下丘脑连接的了解是不完整的,特别是下丘脑外侧区(LHA)。在这里,我们提出了神经元通路追踪实验的结果,以研究LHA近侧内侧区的连接,该区域被分为背侧(LHAjvd)和腹侧(LHAjvv)区。普通Phaseolus vulgaris白凝素(PHAL,输出)和霍乱毒素B亚单位(CTB,输入)共注射立体定向靶向LHAjvd/v。,LHAjvd/v连接高度重叠但不均匀。主要的关节输出包括:床核。终纹(BST),束间核。(BSTif)和BST前内侧区,口侧外侧间隔(LSr)和下丘脑腹内侧(VMH)核。和导水管周围灰质。突出的联合LHAjvd/v输入源包括:BSTif, BST主核。、LSr、VMH、下丘脑前、腹前乳核和内侧杏仁核。,海马形成(HPF)场CA1。然而,LHAjvd HPF逆行标记明显多于LHAjvv; in the LSr this was reversed. Furthermore, robust LHAjvv (but not LHAjvd) targets included posterior- and basomedial amygdalar nuc., whereas the midbrain reticular nuc. received a dense input from the LHAjvd alone. Our analyses indicate the existence of about 500 LHAjvd and LHAjvv connections with about 200 distinct regions of the cerebral cortex, cerebral nuclei, and cerebrospinal trunk. Several highly LHAjvd/v-connected regions have a prominent role in reproductive behavior. These findings contrast with those from our previous pathway-tracing studies of other LHA medial and perifornical tier regions, with different connectional behavioral relations. The emerging picture is of a highly differentiated LHA with extensive and far-reaching connections that point to a role as a central coordinator of behavioral control.
