
4216 总记录数 177 今年的记录


Kewcharoenwong C;Schuster, GU;Wessells, KR;Hinnouho, GM;Barffour, MA;Kounnavong, S;Brown, KH;Hess, SY;Samer, W;Tussakhon, I;Peerson, JM;Lertmemongkolchai, G;

缺锌损害免疫功能,在东南亚儿童中很常见。研究了补充锌对老挝幼童免疫功能的影响。6-23月龄儿童(n=512)每日服用预防锌片(PZ;7mg Zn/d),每日多种微量元素粉(MNP;10mg Zn/d, 6mg Fe/d,外加其他13种微量营养素),治疗性分散锌片仅与腹泻发作有关(TZ;20mg Zn/d,每次发作后10天),或每日安慰剂粉末(对照组)。这些干预持续了9个月。在基线和终点测量全血培养细胞因子的产生、t细胞群的浓度和具有差异白细胞计数的全血计数。通过ANCOVA比较终点平均值,控制结果基线值、儿童年龄和性别、地区、入学月份和基线锌状态(低于、高于或等于血浆锌浓度中位数)。t细胞细胞因子(IL-2、IFN-、IL-13、IL-17)、lps刺激的细胞因子(IL-1、IL-6、TNF-和IL-10)和终点t细胞浓度在干预组之间没有差异,与基线锌状态也没有相互作用。 However, meanSE endline lymphocyte concentrations were significantly lower in the PZ than in the control group (5018158compared with 5640160 cells/L, P=0.032). Interactions with baseline zinc status were seen for eosinophils (Pixn=0.0036), basophils (Pixn=0.023), and monocytes (P=0.086) but a significant subgroup difference was seen only for eosinophils, where concentrations were significantly lower in the PZ than in the control group among children with baseline plasma zinc concentrations below the overall median (52444compared with 60041 cells/L, P=0.012). Zinc supplementation of rural Laotian children had no effect on cytokines or T-cell concentrations, although zinc supplementation affected lymphocyte and eosinophil concentrations. These cell subsets may be useful as indicators of response to zinc supplementation.This trial was registered at clinicaltrials.gov as NCT02428647. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the American Society for Nutrition 2020.
