
4216 总记录数 177 今年的记录


Zsli, G;Vida, B;Martinez, A;Lechan, RM;Khan, AM;Fekete, C;

我们假设,在再次进食后显示神经元激活的大脑区域包括饱腹网络中的主要节点,并通过两组实验验证了这一假设。对禁食大鼠和未进食大鼠进行详细的c-Fos映射,以确定饱腹感网络的候选节点。除了众所周知的进食相关的大脑区域,如弓状核、背内侧核和室旁下丘脑核、下丘脑外侧区、臂旁核(PB)、孤束核和杏仁核中央,还确定了其他再进食激活区域,如柱面旁核和下丘脑旁核。为了开始理解饱腹网络的连通性,在向PB中注入顺行或逆行示踪剂后,研究了PB与其他再进食激活神经元组的连通性。在允许示踪剂运输时间后,动物被禁食,然后在祭祀前被喂食。在颗粒岛区发现了投射到PB的再喂食激活神经元;顶生纹的床核;下丘脑前区;弓状核、室旁核和下丘脑背内侧核;下丘脑外侧区; parasubthalamic nucleus; central amygdalar nucleus; area postrema; and nucleus of the solitary tract. Axons originating from the PB were observed to closely associate with refeeding-activated neurons in the agranular insular area; bed nuclei of terminal stria; anterior hypothalamus; paraventricular, arcuate, and dorsomedial hypothalamic nuclei; lateral hypothalamic area; central amygdalar nucleus; parasubthalamic nucleus; ventral posterior thalamic nucleus; area postrema; and nucleus of the solitary tract. These data indicate that the PB has bidirectional connections with most refeeding-activated neuronal groups, suggesting that short-loop feedback circuits exist in this satiety network. J. Comp. Neurol. 524:2803-2827, 2016. 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
