
4216年 总记录数 177年 今年的记录


Sjlander, M, Lindholm L;费,B;琼森,J; Schneede, J; Lvheim, H; Gustafsson, M;

临床药师扮演越来越重要的角色在医院公布的药理治疗老年痴呆或认知障碍患者。在早前的随机对照试验,临床药师参与病人的病房再入院团队可以显著减少与毒品有关的子组。然而,干预的经济影响到目前为止还没有解决。评估的经济影响临床药师参与药物治疗管理病房团队老年痴呆或认知障碍患者。经济评价的两家医院进行的一项随机对照试验在瑞典北部2012年1月至2014年12月。参与者包括460医院公布老年痴呆或认知障碍患者。患者被随机分配到常规治疗,或常规治疗与药剂师干预;药物的干预包括和解、药物评审和参与查房。测量结果与毒品有关的再入院到医院一组外部专家评估,180年,出院后30天。药剂师的直接成本包括劳动力成本的干预,与毒品有关的平均成本再次入院,从这个人均总费用计算。 The effect of the intervention on drug-related readmissions within 180 days was significant in patients without heart failure (subgroup analysis), and the intervention resulted in cost savings of 950 per person in this subgroup. Drug-related readmissions within 30 days were reduced in the total sample (post-hoc analysis), and the cost-savings in this intervention group were 460 per person. Post-hoc and subgroup analyses indicate that engagement of pharmacists in hospital ward teams reduced the number of drug-related readmissions, and that the cost per person was lower in the intervention group compared to the control group. Including clinical pharmacists created savings in the subgroups of older patients with dementia or cognitive impairments. Copyright 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
